There’s a wonderful world of etude literature out there that can challenge your cellozilla mojo. From the early Schroeder etudes, Lee, Franchomme, Duport, Grutzmacher, Piatti, Popper, and many more, there’s a collective wisdom built around establishing solid and consistent techniques that will hold up against any challenge by Cellozilla.
I’m recording a few etudes as examples, and I invite you to submit an audio or YouTube clip as a paragon of etude preparation and performance. Only one word of caution—it’s gotta be perfect! If it passes the Cellozilla test, it will be posted.
What are you waiting for? Your slow and careful preparation might lead you to Cellozilla immortality!
Email video/audio links to [email protected].
BU cellist Carolyn Regula performs Piatti Caprice No. 9
Hannah Rubin performs:
- Piatti Caprice No. 12
- Piatti Caprice No. 7
Charlotte, age 10, from Melbourne, Australia
Duport Etude No. 7